Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Old Man Mr.Newspaper

In one of my classes today someone gave a speech about how and why newspapers are dying. The journalist in me immediately got offended and defensive all at once. How ridiculous, newspapers, dying ha! That’s going to be years from now. I was really worked up about it until I got to work at the student newspaper and had to send out subscriptions.

With ink all over my hands I realized…maybe I haven’t had such a great relationship with Mr. Newspaper. Maybe I haven’t had one at all…

I’ve never really liked reading newspapers, as a journalist looking to write for a magazine the writing style isn’t even a great passion of mine. I am not someone that likes to wake up in the morning sipping coffee, another friend I have not yet officially made, and get ink all over my hands. Even as a kid I was never into the cartoons. Quite frankly the paper Mr. Newspaper is printed on has always rubbed me the wrong way. It’s just a weird texture if you ask me. So I really think I started to have a journalistic crisis.

With so many later and greater ways to get our news, what keeps us holding onto something that involves killing trees, is out of date before it’s even printed in comparison to its online counterpart, and biggest sin of all, makes my hands all filthy? What makes us keep defending him?

I have often associated writing with dating…I don’t know why maybe I’m crazy... or just like writing too much, I can’t be sure. But when it comes to dating, I would never want to see Mr.Newspaper. Magazine is at least sleek and sexy, he’s sometimes out of touch but at least he’s unique. Mr.Book, please there’s just no getting rid of him. He’s a classic good looking guy. And Online…wow…he’s pretty much just the next big thing. The newest and freshest celebrity on the market, up to date, in style and constantly keeping you on your toes. How can Mr.Newspaper even stand a chance?

I think of Newspaper as an old guy, grey, a little (maybe a lot ) out of shape. Intelligent, wise, but not always entirely with it and sometimes a little sloppy. He’s like Sean Connery, in his prime he was great, everyone wanted him, but his audience is getting smaller… well okay unlike Sean, at least I can understand what Mr. Newspaper is trying to articulate. On the whole, however, I find myself agreeing with the idea that maybe his lifespan is coming to a close. Okay I realize we all knew this was going to happen, maybe I’m just a little late in catching on, but it does seem the end of an era…the only thing is I feel like its not my era.

I’m still inspired to feel a fit of nostalgia in this time of journalistic change – but really, to be entirely honest, I never really had a love affair or even a date with Mr. Newspaper. He’s getting old and I’ll respect what I can learn from him while he is around. But to be frank, his time is almost up.

Now if you’ll excuse me that’s Online at the door.

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